Discover the Best Domain Name Generators for Your Website

Choosing the right domain name for your new website or blog can be a tiring process as the domain name needs to be catchy, unique, memorable, brandable, and most importantly available. You may have finally come up with the perfect domain name for your new business, but that does not guarantee that the domain name is available for registration when so many of the good domain names have already been taken.

According to The Verisign Domain Name Industry Brief, there are almost 340 million domain names have been registered on the web and the registration rates are still growing. No wonder finding a particular domain name for your website is becoming harder and harder. Fortunately, there is help. There are incredibly best domain name generators available to help you simplify the entire process. These tools are capable of generating thousands of memorable domain names based on your target keywords.

After much testing and research, below are our picks of the 5 best domain name generators to help you find the perfect domain name. Use one of the 5 best domain name generators and save yourself the headache.

1. MyDomainGenerator

MyDomainGenerator helps you to find the perfect domain name based on the keywords you’ve provided. It takes your keywords and adds meaningful prefixes or suffixes to create new domain name combinations. The interface is straight forward and every search will return you with hundreds of new domain name suggestions.

2. Lean Domain Search

Lean Domain Search is also another great choice for generating domain names. Just enter the target keyword of your choice and hit the search button. It will then generate hundreds to thousands of domain name suggestions featuring that keyword. The best part of the Lean Domain Search is the ability to generate a long list of domain name suggestions within a short period.

3. DomainWheel

best domain name generator

DomainWheel was developed by Themeisle, a company that specializes in customizing and developing premium WordPress themes. With DomainWheel, it will show you the results that are related to your target keyword and only those are still available for domain registration. You can also filter the search results by searching only for specific TLDs. If you’re not happy with the results, you can explore further with the creative suggestions: “Sounds like”, “Rhymes With” and “Random Suggestions”.

4. NameBoy

Nameboy is one of the oldest domain name generators on the internet. It was started in 1999 and later acquired by Syed Balkhi in 2018. To get started with Nameboy, you’ll have to enter one or two keywords of your choice and then hit the Submit button. Nameboy will then recommend a massive selection of domain names with the best combination of related prefixes, suffixes as well as brandable names.

5. NameMesh

NameMesh is an interesting choice of domain name generator tool. It will analyze your target keyword and group the domain name suggestions into 8 sections: Common, Similar, New, Short, Fun, Extra, Mix, and SEO. You can then filter the list based on domain extension, availability, and maximum length of characters.
